Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Is this a Gigabit network card?

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Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Is this a Gigabit network card?
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It is a gigabit network card;

Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
This GBE means 1Gbps network card, or gigabit network card,
Ruiyu PCI-E bus Gigabit network series controller.

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The boss seems that the business level needs to be improved. Hehe, he can't get the owner online
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None of the telecommunication belt can be used. It is recommended to buy a route
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The next driver or driver wizard is OK. Realtek's network card is very good.
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MAC is the physical address of the network card. This address is the only address in the world given by the manufacturer when the network card was produced. It cannot be changed
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It is a gigabit network card
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ZOL Q&A > network card > other > Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Is this a Gigabit network card?

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