The screen goes black after the laptop is plugged into the power supply

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The screen goes black after the laptop is plugged into the power supply
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It's dark and bright. If it's like this every time, there may be a short circuit in that place
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Because the screen brushing rate setting of the computer when plugged in and unplugged is different.
Right click on the screen, select the screen resolution, and click Advanced Settings
Select the adapter and click to list all modes. Select the corresponding screen brushing rate (50 hz or 60 hz).
I am a Windows 7 64bit system
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1、 If the power adapter is damaged, you can use the replacement method to judge, but only limited to the power supply with the same model and specification.
One situation that needs special attention is that when the power adapter is inserted into the power port of the notebook, the indicator light of the power adapter turns off. Do not try again and again because it is a fault of the power supply itself. This is a typical serious short circuit of the main board, and the chip on the main board has been burned.
If an adjustable power supply is used to power up the notebook, the adjustable power supply will automatically protect it, because the current has reached more than 5A in an instant! The notebook power supply will not be automatically protected, which is bound to cause a wider range of damage to electronic components.
2、 The notebook motherboard fails, which is the most common reason why the notebook does not respond when it is turned on. It is mainly caused by power supply port damage, water corrosion, static breakdown, main board circuit damage, etc.
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If it is a win7 system, enter the control panel and set it
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It should be that your power supply is broken. Try again after using too much
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There are two reasons. One is that the power adapter is damaged. This is relatively simple and can be judged by replacement method, but it is only limited to power supplies of the same model and specification. One situation that needs special attention is that when you insert the power adapter into the power port of the notebook, the indicator light of the power adapter goes out. Do not try again and again because it is a fault of the power supply itself. This is a typical serious short circuit of the main board, and the chip on the main board has been burned. If an adjustable power supply is used to power up the notebook, the adjustable power supply will automatically protect it, because the current has reached more than 5A in an instant! The notebook power supply will not be automatically protected, which is bound to cause a wider range of damage to electronic components. The second is the notebook motherboard failure, which is the most common reason why the notebook does not respond when it is turned on. It is mainly caused by power supply port damage, water corrosion, static breakdown, main board circuit damage, etc.
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ZOL Q&A > Memory > other > The screen goes black after the laptop is plugged into the power supply


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