Then open the psd format image after the blue screen, and the message "The request cannot be completed because the file is incompatible with this version of photoshop" will be displayed

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Then open the psd format image after the blue screen, and the message "The request cannot be completed because the file is incompatible with this version of photoshop" will be displayed
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It is certain that there was a problem when you saved it.
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TIFF is better opened with CDR, so you can view and change it!
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You didn't save it. You're unlucky, son
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Try downloading other versions
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Look at your file name, for example, X.jpg PSD and XX. jpg (Chinese or number, symbol). psD (Chinese or number, symbol). If the latter is wrong, just remove (Chinese or number, symbol) and open it again. Mine is the same. Because there are multiple "copies" at the end of the file, just remove it and open it again. I hope you can drive it
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > screen > Blue screen of mobile phone > Then open the psd format image after the blue screen, and the message "The request cannot be completed because the file is incompatible with this version of photoshop" will be displayed

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