WPS text: Cannot open the source application of this object for help

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WPS text: Cannot open the source application of this object for help
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This problem should be because when you insert an object file, you select the "Link to file" option. After you select this option, each time you open it, you will automatically check the source files of these objects. Your source files are no longer in the original path. You can delete them and then re insert them. "Insert ---- Object ---- Create from file, Then browse to select the file to be added, and select the display as icon (link to the file and do not select it).
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This problem should be because when you insert an object file, you select the "Link to file" option. After you select this option, each time you open it, you will automatically check the source files of these objects. Your source files are no longer in the original path. You can delete them and then re insert them. "Insert ---- Object ---- Create from file, Then browse to select the file to be added, and select the display as icon (link to the file and do not select it).
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Click the Start button at the bottom left corner of the left hand side -- All Programs, find the wps folder -- wpoffice tool -- Configuration tool -- Repair
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-Advanced -- compatible settings, check compatible third-party software, and restart the computer after confirmation~~
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Just delete the strange fonts installed recently
If you don't know what to delete, copy the font folder of the same system that others normally use.
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ZOL Q&A > WPS text: Cannot open the source application of this object for help


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