"You need permission from S-1-5-21... to modify this folder" How to delete such files?

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"You need permission from S-1-5-21... to modify this folder" How to delete such files?
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The answer below is no good. I tried it. I felt cheated. I worked for a long time and finally got rid of it.
1. Right click the file you want to delete.
2. The command "Administrator obtains all permissions" is found in a column of text after right clicking. Is it found? Click this line of instructions
3. Of course, your computer is started by an administrator. The text command "administrator obtains all permissions" will appear, and then delete this file!
Overview: Right click - find: "Administrator obtains all permissions" - click it - and delete it!
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Right click "Properties" - "Security" tab and there is an "Advanced". Click it to change the owner to your own account in the "Owner" tab (note that your own account is not Administrators).
Re open the "Security" tab and change the permissions: "Advanced" - add your own account as "Full Control".
Then you should be able to delete it. Turned, tried, effective
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None of these methods can work! I hope there is a better way!!!!
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If you are a win7 user, right click the program to run it as an administrator
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The answer below is no good. I tried it. I felt cheated. I worked for a long time and finally got rid of it.
1. Right click the file you want to delete.
2. The command "Administrator obtains all permissions" is found in a column of text after right clicking. Is it found? Click this line of instructions
3. Of course, your computer is started by an administrator. The text command "administrator obtains all permissions" will appear, and then delete this file!
Overview: Right click - find: "Administrator obtains all permissions" - click it - and delete it!
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Right click the file --- Properties --- Security --- Advanced --- Valid permissions --- Select --- Advanced --- Find Now --- Select ADMINISTRATOR --- OK
The prerequisite is that you log in to the system as ADMINISTRATOR
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ZOL Q&A > "You need permission from S-1-5-21... to modify this folder" How to delete such files?


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