Why can't I get online after using 360 DNS optimization? 360 hijacks DNS

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Why can't I get online after using 360 DNS optimization? 360 hijacks DNS
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In this case, it is recommended to open the DNS optimization in 360 Security Guard. After you replace it, it will work normally.
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You can change your dns to automatic acquisition
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This situation is generally caused by the damage of the ie browser's kernel in your computer. It is recommended that you uninstall the current ie browser, restart the computer, open Tencent Computer Manager's software management, search for the IE browser, reinstall the latest version of the IE browser, and restart the computer, You can click here to download the latest version of Tencent Computer Manager: Tencent Computer Manager Download
Tencent computer butler enterprise platform: http://zhidao.baidu.com/c/guanjia/
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