The prototype of torture and killing in Windows 7 appears, and the work of prototype has been terminated

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The prototype of torture and killing in Windows 7 appears, and the work of prototype has been terminated
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Control panel - parental control - game rating on the left. My setting is the second, perfect play killing prototype. If not, go to account management and set up an administrator account. Since it is your own computer, this should be no problem.
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My point is that the file will stop working when I have entered the game and selected the channel. Finally, I heard that I could not change the compatibility. Finally, it seems that it is an updated problem. I also use Sogou. And now that my Windows 7 64 bit system can be accessed, it is Tencent and the new questions. I answered the questions for the first time. Thank you for adopting brother
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I can play with the WIN7 system.
This is caused by program crash. For example, dll loading error, software incompatibility, increase or loss of files will cause this. Different errors should be solved by different methods, most of which are caused by plug-ins.
Common solution: check the plug-ins and remove the recently installed programs, such as: check the plug-ins with 360 security guards and remove useless plug-ins
It may also be caused by incompatibility. The solution is to "right click" the application, select "Properties", select the "Compatibility" tab, and change it to Windows 95. The general problem can be solved.
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What game, what stopped working?
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I used to hear that the graphics card was in conflict with cf, and I don't understand it, but I updated the graphics card driver, uninstalled all the video card auxiliary programs (software) I downloaded, and reinstalled cf again. You can try it
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Generally speaking, the English version does not have this problem. You should use the Chinese version. There is a file in the Chinese version that is abnormal, which is generally the case. Pay attention to the game time. Usually it will be like this after more than 2 hours. The most fun is to have a rest. Also, if you cannot upgrade, ask me again. Have a good game
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