Does Tencent's mobile butler Android version have the WeChat buddy function?

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Does Tencent's mobile butler Android version have the WeChat buddy function?
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Hello, dear housekeeper user
The openness of Android results in a stronger function than iOS, if it is available on iOS. Then Android must have this function.
Thank you for your support to Tencent Mobile Manager!
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Hello, this function has been canceled in version 4.0, and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We will improve our product according to the needs of users. Please pay attention to our version update.
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Hello, as long as you do not set the traffic package, the monitoring service will not be opened. If you have set the traffic package, you can close it by setting the [Package Limit] to zero. Thank you for your support to Tencent Mobile Manager!
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Try Jinshan Antivirus, 360 Guard
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Dear, these are two completely different systems. So it's different.
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Hello! This is two completely different versions of software, so it must be different!
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > other > Does Tencent's mobile butler Android version have the WeChat buddy function?


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