Does onenote quit??

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Does onenote quit??
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OneNote is one of the components of Microsoft Office. You can exit it by the following methods:

Click the file in the upper left corner on the opened OneNote interface;
On the information tab, you can see the currently opened notebook (there may be multiple notebooks depending on the number of notebook files);
Find the notebook to exit, click Settings and select Close.

Tips: If you need to open the closed notebook again, you can select different opening methods according to the location of the notebook (Web or local) in the opening tab.
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I have used it for a long time, but I haven't found the setting item of onenote automatic startup. However, there are several methods that can be recommended to you:
1. Exit onenote: first close onenote, then right-click the icon of onenote in the lower right corner of the computer, and select Close. (This is just a temporary exit. The next time the computer starts, onenote will start automatically.
2. Use 360 Security Guard (other software or manual settings are also acceptable) to disable the startup item of onenote in the computer startup item.

3. Onenote is very convenient to start automatically, but it is not used to closing it (even if it is closed, someone who wants to see your things can still open it). It is recommended that you password protect the partitions you do not want others to see. Method: Right click the label of the partition to be protected, and select Protect this partition with password.
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