Why does the taskbar under my computer always block other display pages

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Why does the taskbar under my computer always block other display pages
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Right click taskbar -- Properties -- Hide taskbar -- Check
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1. Right click "Taskbar" to open the menu and select "Properties".

2. "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" appears, remove the check mark in front of "Auto hide Taskbar", and click OK.
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Hello. Press the left mouse button and hold down the top border of the taskbar until it stops moving. Right click the taskbar - lock the taskbar. OK
Yes, that's how it works.
If you see the small dots in the row of your taskbar, you know that you have not locked the taskbar.
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don't get it
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Click the border and move it down.
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Right click anywhere on the taskbar, select Properties from the menu that appears, and then check the checkbox "Keep the taskbar in front of other windows". Just fine. The taskbar will always be at the front.
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Whether the taskbar is locked or hidden
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Right click the taskbar to unlock it.

Or click Properties to check Auto hide taskbar, or move the taskbar to the top left and right
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why does the taskbar under my computer always block other display pages

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