Why is Excel active data but the column chart is not displayed? There are pictures.

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Why is Excel active data but the column chart is not displayed? There are pictures.
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Suppose there is data in the table, but the chart does not show the graph that should be displayed;
1. Select the cell range where the graphic data is not displayed, go to the "Data" column, and click "Column";
See Figure 1

2. In the "Column" dialog box, click "Finish" directly;
See Figure 2

3. Actual results:
See Figure 3

Note: It seems that there is data in the table, but it is not displayed correctly in the graph. Generally, it means that the data in the table is not in the correct format. It may be text, or it may contain hidden characters. In this case, the text data can be changed back to the actual value by using the "column splitting" method.
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Because that number is 0, of course, the bar graph can't show it. Try writing down the "transaction amount of Alipay" in March
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Your data should be obtained by formula. If it is, you can change the place where 0 or empty is displayed in the formula to NA (),
Then you can set the font color of # N/A to white, or use conditional format. When the cell value is # N/A, the font color is white
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These data may contain other characters that are not visible. Is it exported from other software?
In the normal format, you can enter values manually, which may be normal.
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Hello~Where is the legend?
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Enter values directly below the chart, and then brush the chart. It should be OK
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ZOL Q&A > Why is Excel active data but the column chart is not displayed? There are pictures.


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