The Sogou input method of mobile phone version, how to make Pinyin appear when typing

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The Sogou input method of mobile phone version, how to make Pinyin appear when typing
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1. Right click the input method icon to call up the setting dialog box, and left click "Set Attribute" 2. Enter the "Attribute Setting" dialog box, and click "Appearance" on the left to enter the appearance setting. 3. Check "font size" in "skin settings" to make the font larger, and the edit bar for typing will also be larger.
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That is to switch between Chinese and English, and sometimes mine.
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The common fault of Windows 7 is that the typing prompt bar is not displayed on the full screen in the op mode.
The solutions are all passive: 1. Replace the xp system or simply double systems
2. Change the op mode to d3d, and the game settings include
3. Change full screen mode to window mode
4. Try typing without seeing the prompt bar
Alas, I always use the fourth method to survive. It's OK to type common words, but rare words hurt
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