How to deal with tablet without return button?

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How to deal with tablet without return button?
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The upper left corner can be returned
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Generally, there is no return key or main menu key at the bottom or top of the screen, which will be found on the main body of the tablet Android. If you look carefully on the screen, there will be. Or click the bottom or top of the screen. Some Android systems are set to hide the status bar by default.
Intel has recently launched the sixth generation of Core products, which use a new generation of architecture, with performance tips, reduced functionality, and longer endurance. Whether you work, study, play games, or watch the UHD speakers, you can also try.
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Check whether there is an icon with two arrows in the lower left corner of the screen. If it is hidden.
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The virtual button can simulate the return in other places.
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The root free key savior can be installed on systems above 4.0
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ZOL Q&A > tablet PC > other > How to deal with tablet without return button?


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