During the maintenance of the band saw machine, the material we cut is always oblique, and the saw blade gets stuck when it is slightly faster. Excuse me, how is this handled

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During the maintenance of the band saw machine, the material we cut is always oblique, and the saw blade gets stuck when it is slightly faster. Excuse me, how is this handled
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There are many ways to solve the problem
1. Select a suitable saw blade, which depends on the material you saw.
2. Readjust the clearance between guide arm and guide block
3. Increase the tension of band saw blade
4. Reduce the feed
5. The material should be clamped and aligned!
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Vertical positioning of both ends of band saw is inaccurate. The motor power is insufficient. We need to find professionals to adjust.
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Your saw blade is too loose!!!
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Your saw blade is too loose!
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ZOL Q&A > During the maintenance of the band saw machine, the material we cut is always oblique, and the saw blade gets stuck when it is slightly faster. Excuse me, how is this handled


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