How to deal with the "security connection failure" prompted by Firefox?

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How to deal with the "security connection failure" prompted by Firefox?
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This should be the server certificate of the website.
The reason for the problem is that one of your trusted root certificates has the same serial number as the server certificate. This should be a problem with the server configuration. Try changing to IE browser. IE does not strictly verify the certificate, while Firefox will strictly verify the server certificate, which is one of the safer places for Firefox than IE.
For Firefox, open the toolbar [Options], select the tag [Advanced] and [Certificate], click [View Certificate], select the [Certificate Authority] tab, find the certificate related to the website you visited, delete it, and then try it. When you delete it, you will see an exception page, and try it after adding trust.
But I still suggest you change your browser
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1. Open IE (browser).
2. Click "Tools" - "Internet Options" at the top of IE (open "Internet Options").
3. Also click the Connect option above (opens the Connect tab).
4. Click the "LAN Settings" button at the bottom right (find the problem: the automatic detection settings are checked).
5. Remove the check mark and click the check mark directly. Click OK at the bottom right.
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I suggest you try another version first.
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Step 1:
Open the browser, and select "Tools" from the drop-down menu on the top right - select the internet option

Step 2
After clicking the internet option, a window will pop up. Click "Advanced" (marked in blue) in the upper right corner of the window, and then press the "Reset" (marked in red) button here.

Step 3:
Click "Reset" and a window will pop up, as shown in the figure. Check "Delete Personalization Settings" to ensure accurate data,

Part IV:
Click "Reset" and wait for the window to reset for a while, then click "Close" button and restart the webpage to open

Step 5:
You must be able to open it. Once you open it, you will thank me. As a commercial designer, you can always meet this situation
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