How to find out if the solidworks diagram is not saved

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How to find out if the solidworks diagram is not saved
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First, when a fatal error occurs, you will be prompted whether to save it as "original file name+RECOVER. DWG" and click "Yes" (otherwise, you won't need to look at it later)
If the default auto save file path has not been set, find the TEMP folder under the user name C: Users * * appdata local temp\
Find the auto saved file "original file name+RECOVER. DWG" and copy it
Open CAD -- File -- Drawing Utility -- Repair -- Browse the RECOVER file to recover the drawing at the time of fatal error

The other is to find the automatically saved file (not the drawing at the time of fatal error, but the temporary file automatically saved by the system every 10 min by default)
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Don't you set how often to save automatically? In the options, there is a save path. The default is 10 minutes
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ZOL Q&A > How to find out if the solidworks diagram is not saved


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