My computer interface has a file called Config. What is this file? Can I delete it?

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My computer interface has a file called Config. What is this file? Can I delete it?
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It can be deleted. They are useless junk files
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Unplug the hard disk and plug it into another computer to extract desktop files.
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Well, you should have 360 files with 360 security guard functions. You can use this to restore files. Or, 1. Click "Start Run", and then enter regedit (open the registry)
2. Expand in sequence: HEKEY -- LOCAL -- MACHINE/SOFTWARE/microsoft/WINDOWS/CURRENTVERSION/EXPRESSOR/DESKTOP/NAMESPACE Click "New" outside the left blank, select "Primary Key", name it "645FFO40 -- 5081 -- 101B -- 9F08 -- 00AA002F954E", and then set the key value of the "Default" primary key on the right to "Recycle Bin", Then exit the registry. OK.
3. To restart your computer.
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It's just a card reader. You need to install a card in the computer to read it. You know that when a mobile phone has a memory card, there will be a large card and a small card. The small card is the memory card we put into the mobile phone. Put the small card into the large card, and then put the punch card into the memory card in the notebook. The computer can read and download things into it.
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This file is a temporary file left after PPTV is played. You can set it in PPTV, hit the save path, and change the path
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This is a system file. There is no problem without deleting it.
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Check in my computer. If there is memory space, you can download things. Just set the download path to where the memory card is located
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > My computer interface has a file called Config. What is this file? Can I delete it?


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