The hammer desktop will change back to the system desktop by pressing Return or Home. How to set

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The hammer desktop will change back to the system desktop by pressing Return or Home. How to set
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The virtual home key is included in Apple phones with systems above 5.0. The specific method is: "Settings" - "General" - "Auxiliary Functions" - "Physical Activity" - "Assistive Touch". Click to open it, and it is OK. After opening it, a small white circle will appear on the iPhone desktop. Click it to click the home key "menu, and the lower" Home screen " The key of is equivalent to the HOME key, which can be restarted.
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Touch is to return to the previous level, press it to return to the desktop, without setting
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Find the HOME key in the settings and set it to display the desktop
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It's related to your system. You can try to reinstall it. If you can't do it, I can only help you in this way!!
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If you need to set the home screen of the desktop, you can press two fingers to move towards the middle of the blank space of the desktop to enter the multi page interface. Click the bottom of the page you want to set as the home page, and the house icon will turn blue, then you can set the page to be displayed when you press the home key to return.
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set up. Universal accessibility. Bottom. This interface appears and then open the touch
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It may be that the system is not compatible. Alibaba Cloud system itself is still in the test phase. Otherwise, you can use the system desktop instead of using it
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ZOL Q&A > Other smart electronics > other > The hammer desktop will change back to the system desktop by pressing Return or Home. How to set

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