Where are the replaced files?

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Where are the replaced files?
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Start - Run regedit, enter Enter to open the registry editor, and expand:

Rename the new item to {645FFO40-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. In the corresponding window on the right, double click the default, enter "Recycle Bin" in the numeric data column of the pop-up editing string dialog box, and click OK to exit the registry editor.

Restart the computer.
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Good idea, but it doesn't work
The drivers in others' backups are all corresponding to others' hardware,
Hard restore to your computer. Because the driver does not match, it is likely to have a series of failures such as blue screen, restart, and failure to start
The second idea depends on whether the new file you download is a decent ghost version of the installation file
In short, practice leads to true knowledge. I suggest you put your ideas into practice, so that you will be more impressed
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There are many icon resources on the network. Instead of finding the folder, change the icon directly in the properties.
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If I replace this file with a backup of someone else's computer, then restore can move someone else's computer system to my computer?
Yes, it will only restore the contents of the gho file, whether it was originally backed up or not.
Can I reinstall if I replace this file and restore it next?
Yes, the reason is the same as above
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Don't you have a dedicated driver for win8? Now it seems that I have it. I really can't update the driver with the driver management software. It is better not to replace files, which are unstable.
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You can download a Jinshan first-aid kit first, which can help you remove the Taobao icon on the desktop.
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This is simple. Right click the attribute and click the desktop. If you want to take some pictures of yourself, put them in the technical team: Networld Forum
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If you try, you will know that GHOST cannot be migrated. The system configuration in the database is equivalent to a human skin, which cannot be restored. The database contains personal information and encrypted files, which cannot be copied.
GHOST is a backup terminal of XP that takes up less hard disk memory. It only belongs to one kind of memory that can be copied, but I tried it, but it didn't work. The problem of the building owner only supports some systems. This kind of memory is only XP portable or a pirated system. The genuine system is not supported.
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