How does the Internet access the computer in the router?

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How does the Internet access the computer in the router?
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To access the router's intranet computer, several conditions must be met:
1. The router needs to have an Internet address. If it is not a fixed IP address, the visitor needs to know the address. This problem can be found by accessing the router through the intranet computer and checking the wan port address in the running state. Now most routers also support dynamic domain name resolution services. You can bind a fixed domain name to the router through this method.
2. Perform port mapping on the router and assign an access port to the computer to be accessed. To access the iis service on, you only need to map port 80 of the router to port 80 of You can access this computer's iis service through the Internet. Other service settings are the same.
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Your computer may not be directly connected to the router. If you want to set up a router, whether wired or wireless, you must first connect it with a cable.
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First: First, determine the IP address of the router you are using. Generally, routers will write the default IP address on the back, as well as the login user name and password. However, the default IP address of the router can be changed, so first determine whether this has changed.
Second: If there is no problem with the above points and access is still unavailable, it may be that the router has crashed due to high temperature. In this case, disconnect the power supply of the router, connect it later, and try to log in.
Third: The above two points are not good, so the router will be restored to the factory state. The router will provide a RESET interface, which is very small. When restoring the factory state, some routers need to be powered off, and some do not need to be powered off. It depends on the specific router.
Fourth: If none of the above works, it is likely that your router is broken. If you buy it within one year, it is still under warranty. If you buy it beyond one year, you will not be guaranteed.
I hope it can help you solve the problem.
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