Is half of the page swollen when the excel sheet is printed and previewed?

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Is half of the page swollen when the excel sheet is printed and previewed?
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The reason why the excel sheet is half page in print preview and the solution:
The first case: because the EXCEL cell is too small, the paper cannot be full.
Solution: Open print preview, and the dotted line of paper size will appear in Excel. Adjust the row height or column width of the cell. The closer to the dotted line, the more it can occupy a page.
The second situation is that there are too many EXCEL contents, and the system will automatically print the next page of the cell in the column that exceeds the content if it exceeds one sheet of paper, so the content cannot fill the whole page.
Solution: Use the zoom function in print preview to print the entire worksheet on one page. As shown in the figure:
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Because your EXCEL cell is too large, it is divided into two pages. You can adjust the cell to display it on one page
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Is there only a half page table, or is the table on the half page of the paper?
1. Only a half page table appears, which means that each row or column of the table is reduced to the extent possible. Then change the zoom ratio in the setting during preview until the whole table can be placed on a piece of paper.
2. The table is on the half page of the paper. You can increase the percentage at the zoom ratio of the preview to expand the whole table until it can fit on the whole paper.
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File - slowly adjust the content in page settings
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ZOL Q&A > Is half of the page swollen when the excel sheet is printed and previewed?


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