Is the openwrt router good enough to limit the network speed of others

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Is the openwrt router good enough to limit the network speed of others
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First, enter the router, advanced settings → broadband control, and add the IP to limit the network speed.
I hope it is helpful to you.
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I use Altay 510. You can refer to it
Log in to select bandwidth management -- speed limit rule, click New, click Address Group to select ALL, and then you can select the following uplink and downlink, or you can define your own, then save it, return to the list, and click Enable.
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Enter on the webpage, and follow the steps: username admin password admin
Enter to view the manual settings. Enter the user name of the account, which is the broadband account you applied for. Add the password and save it. Click Advanced Settings to assign IP settings, click Network Speed Limit, enter the limit in kb, and then save it
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Unplug the network cable from the router.
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