What is the problem with L0 displayed on the mainboard diagnostic card?

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What is the problem with L0 displayed on the mainboard diagnostic card?
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It should be a memory problem! You can try changing a memory first... If you are sure that the memory is OK, try swapping!
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Change the memory
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I don't know what kind of motherboard my friend has. It is rare for CPU to have faulty soldering. If the CPU fails to solder, the C1 code will not be seen at all...... In this case, if a friend is sure that the memory is not faulty, then the circuit related to the mainboard memory is faulty. Of course, some mainboards have this code because of poor CPU contact, but it is rare. Basically, either the memory or the mainboard memory power supply circuit is faulty.. This is basically the case.. Please follow up if you have any questions.. I sincerely hope I can help you!
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ZOL Q&A > a main board > other > What is the problem with L0 displayed on the mainboard diagnostic card?


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