Why can't the Japanese version PS4pro search for 360 routed 5g signals

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Why can't the Japanese version PS4pro search for 360 routed 5g signals
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Hello friend, you can restart the device and wireless router, and then reconnect to connect normally.
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Hello, 100M broadband does not have 100M download speed
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2.4GHz and 5GHz are transmission bands, 450M is the maximum transmission speed, 100M is actually 100Mbps, and the theoretical speed is 12.5MB/S. At present, almost all notebook wireless network cards do not support 5GHz, that is, IEEE802.3A protocol. You can buy an external wireless network card that supports 5G on Taobao.
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Personally, I mind using internet cable instead of WIFI
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If the mobile phone can search and use 5g wifi signals, it needs the mobile phone to support 5g frequency band. Otherwise, it cannot be used. If the mobile phone fails to search, it means that it does not support 5g frequency.
5G Wi Fi (802.11ac) refers to the fifth generation Wi Fi transmission technology, and operates in the 5Ghz radio wave band (there is a mistake here, either the Wi Fi running in the 5Ghz band is 5G Wi Fi, and the Wi Fi protocol standards running in the 5Ghz band include 802.11a (the first generation), 802.11n (the fourth generation, both running in the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz dual band) and 802.11ac (the fifth generation), However, only the Wi Fi with 802.11ac protocol is truly 5G Wi Fi).
Higher wireless transmission speed is the biggest feature of 5G Wi Fi. The industry believes that the entry-level speed of 5G Wi Fi is 433Mbps, which is at least three times the current Wi Fi speed. Some high-performance 5G Wi Fi can reach more than 1Gbps
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100M bandwidth has 100M download speed??????
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