Can I exit by double clicking the "Control Menu" icon in the Word window on the left of the title bar

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Can I exit by double clicking the "Control Menu" icon in the Word window on the left of the title bar
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Double click the control menu icon in the Word window on the left of the title bar to exit.
There are many ways to exit Word. The most common and fastest way is to click the button shown in the figure on the right of the title bar.
In addition, there are several ways to exit the Word program:
◆ Click the "office" button, and select the "Close" command in the drop-down menu.
◆ Press [Alt+F4].
◆ Double click the program control icon on the left of the title bar.
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This only applies to windows that have not been set. If events such as closing are set, you may not be able to exit
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Try pressing alt+f4
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Serpentshrine Cavern
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Of course!
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