How to set all folders in the computer to be displayed with large icons at one time

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How to set all folders in the computer to be displayed with large icons at one time
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Enter the folder, right click the blank space, and select "View" - large icon in the menu that appears
Organize --- Folders and Search Options --- View --- Application Folder --- Reset Folder --- OK at the top left corner.
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In fact, it is very simple. Open a drive letter at random, such as disk d, click the icon, and then click Tools, Folder Options - View - Apply to all folders. This is OK. I hope it can help you
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You can watch high-definition movies, and only a few people can use it for drawing
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Landlord, I have found the answer! Right click the folder you want to transform, select properties, select the last custom tab, the first "What kind of folder do you want", select "Pictures" from the drop-down menu, and then check to apply this template to all subfolders. All subfolders inside are opened as large icons, and select "Documents" and "Music" for details, "Video" and "Pictures" It is also a big icon, and the routine is the mode you set originally
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If you don't like it, change it. There is a tool like an icon in the toolbar. Click it and change the thumbnail to tile.
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Because the higher the resolution of the display, the more detailed the image shaping.
Therefore, drawing designers generally use high-resolution displays to design drawings.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > How to set all folders in the computer to be displayed with large icons at one time


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