Is it possible for the stock software of Flush to superimpose the self determined indicators on the main chart of the time-sharing chart

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Is it possible for the stock software of Flush to superimpose the self determined indicators on the main chart of the time-sharing chart
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It seems that it can't be added, but it can be modified. For example, in the indicators on the right side of the indicator platform, select an indicator that you don't use, right-click in the indicator interface, select Modify Indicator Parameter, delete the content, and add the indicator parameter you need. This is what I do. The flush operation is not good, and it is troublesome to reset to before the modification
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I feel the same way. It is difficult for Flush to save its own things, such as indicators, settings and interfaces. We can only think of some workarounds. The index of time-sharing sub graph can be pulled to the time-sharing main graph, which is equivalent to overlaying to the time-sharing main graph. The specific method is to point on the index curve, press and hold the white dot to display the white wavy line box, and then you can pull to the main graph.
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ZOL Q&A > Is it possible for the stock software of Flush to superimpose the self determined indicators on the main chart of the time-sharing chart


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