How to replace the login mailbox of Sina Weibo

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How to replace the login mailbox of Sina Weibo
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Once the login mailbox is registered, it cannot be changed.
You can change the safe mailbox to the current common mailbox in the account settings - security settings of Sina Weibo, or change the safe mailbox in the security center of Sina Passport.
This secure mailbox is the security mailbox. After the setting is successful, the account password change, account login confidentiality and other information are received through this mailbox. The email address at the time of registration has already existed in name and is only used for login.
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Don't bind QQ mailbox? It seems that we have to call customer service.
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Try another browser~
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404 is generally the reason for the webpage!
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ZOL Q&A > How to replace the login mailbox of Sina Weibo

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