Will playing League of Heroes with mobile phone traffic on the computer block me? How much traffic will I use in an hour on the 4g network

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Will playing League of Heroes with mobile phone traffic on the computer block me? How much traffic will I use in an hour on the 4g network
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If the 4g network is stable, it will not be stuck. If it is unstable, there will be delay. About 30 megabytes an hour
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I used 3g to check on the Internet for less than 10 minutes and used 100 megabytes
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One hour may be used more or less depending on the delay, and the main consumption depends on the playing time of the owner. It's different from one game to ten games a day. The average traffic of a round trip is about 35KB in one second, 2200KB in one minute, 13000KB=11MB in 60 minutes. You can play about 400 games with a 5G package. Under the premise that you can only play games without opening the website, QQ, and all connected to the network
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The network speed is OK. But the traffic is very expensive. Check the traffic after playing one game.
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In fact, one game of LOL can only generate about 30M of traffic, but it is not recommended to open hot spots, because the load interface and other easy to use traffic are still very large.
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It's a waste of traffic. It's recommended not to use it.
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OK, I played one game, 21 minutes, about 12 megabytes of traffic
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ZOL Q&A > radio > other > Will playing League of Heroes with mobile phone traffic on the computer block me? How much traffic will I use in an hour on the 4g network

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