When the computer is turned on, the CPU light is always on. Who knows why

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When the computer is turned on, the CPU light is always on. Who knows why
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There are many reasons for this problem. You can only use memory, motherboard, CPU and power supply.
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The problem can be eliminated from three aspects.

1. Memory problem. If there is no independent video card, the video memory is shared memory, so the memory problem will cause the problem of no display when starting up.
Solution: Try replacing it with a good memory.

2. If there is no independent video card, the Nanqiao chip welding machine is poor and there is false welding, which can also cause the machine to fail to turn on sometimes and turn on again. However, due to thermal expansion and cold contraction, the computer will heat up after starting up, and the solder joint will be disconnected or not in good contact, which will cause the machine to crash.
Solution: find professional maintenance personnel to determine the fault.

3. There is a problem with the power circuit of the mainboard, which can not carry the load, so it is stuck after starting.
Solution: find professional maintenance personnel to determine the fault.

According to what you said, there is no power on prompt sound, and there may be more problems in points 1 and 2.
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With the battery buckled
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Maybe the memory is not plugged in properly, the CPU is broken, or the socket of the monitor is not plugged in properly
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Check whether the connecting line between the lower display and the host is loose.
If not, the fault may be caused by poor hardware contact.
1. Power off, open the chassis, remove the dust, especially the dust of the CPU fan, and check whether the CPU fan rotates normally.
2. Insert and unplug the memory, wipe the golden finger part with an eraser, and re insert it (do not reverse it).
3. Insert and remove the graphics card, wipe the golden finger with an eraser, and then insert it again (the buckle should be fastened).
4. Unplug the power cord, unplug the mainboard button battery, wait for three minutes, and then reinstall the mainboard.
5. If none of the above operations can solve the problem, it is recommended to send it to the maintenance center.
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It is recommended to clean the memory, unplug it and wipe it. Sometimes there may be a problem with the cable connecting the hard disk. Try plugging it again
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There is a problem with the video card interface!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Phone power on > When the computer is turned on, the CPU light is always on. Who knows why


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