How many hours is the difference between Beijing time and Moscow time?

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How many hours is the difference between Beijing time and Moscow time?
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The difference between Beijing time and Moscow time is 5 hours. Beijing time is five hours earlier than Moscow time.
Due to the rotation of the earth, the sun rises earlier in the east and later in the west, resulting in local time differences. In order to solve the problem of time confusion, people have adopted the method of dividing time zones. The local time where the central longitude line of each time zone is located is the time shared by this time zone, which is called zone time. The two places differ by several time zones, and their time zones differ by several hours. The time is early in the east and late in the west. Beijing Time is the District Time of the East Eighth District. Moscow (longitude 37 ° 37 ′ E) is located in the East Third District, and its district time is the district time of the East Third District. The eastern eighth district time is 5 hours earlier than the eastern third district time.
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23 2 8 18
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Moskobe, we are five hours earlier and five hours later than Yapi!
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Look how fast you run! There are three expressways from Beijing to Dalian: Beijing Shenyang; Panying; Shen Da. The whole program is 780 kilometers, but if you include the area within the 54th Ring Road of Beijing, the distance from Dalian Houyan to the city should be about 850 kilometers. My average time is generally 7. 5 hours to 8 hours, the fastest running time is over 5 hours, and I am speeding all the way! And the big brother's plane upstairs is flying straight through the Bohai Bay. Does the car also cross the Bohai Sea?
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