Ctrl+Space Toggle Input Method Closed?

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Ctrl+Space Toggle Input Method Closed?
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Ctrl+space switch input method can be turned off in input method settings, and the steps are as follows:
Right click the input method indicator in the lower right corner of the computer and select "Settings".

Click "Advanced key setting" - "Chinese (Simplified)... Ctrl+Space" - "Change key sequence", as shown below:

Click to cancel the selected status of "Enable key sequence".
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I am also bored by him. The key can be set, but it doesn't work. I will switch to QQ input method..
It will not affect my English key switching.
Typing is not easy. If you feel OK, please accept it. Thank you.....
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There are in the settings. You can change it to something else.
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Conflict, very simple, in the QQ input method properties - hotkey switch back to it.
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As shown in the figure:
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Change the date in the control panel. Time options can be changed
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ZOL Q&A > Ctrl+Space Toggle Input Method Closed?

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