How does the button wizard load a form?

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How does the button wizard load a form?
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It can't be debugged. After being made into an elf, your FORM will appear in the setting interface when you run.
Another: After completing the form, be sure to click the setting interface button to make it effective.
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Is it the ocx interface in the vb example?
If so, the view in the menu==>object window is OK
Or the shortcut key Shift+F7
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It seems that the key is occupied. It should be the start and stop key wizard
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Please download Microsoft's DirectX official website
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Some drivers need some environment, such as hd. You have to use the driver of the notebook official website
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Delete the hardware very much, then delete the driver, and then find and install again. Your problem is that the driver is wrong. Don't drive directly with Driver Life and Driver Genie. 95% is useless
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Search Baidu for dll to download
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Try kingroot. It is known that supersu is invalid
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ZOL Q&A > How does the button wizard load a form?

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