How to set a software to run under integrated display in win7

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How to set a software to run under integrated display in win7
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Find XLGraphic.dll on the Internet and copy it to the specified directory (usually the system directory or the software peer directory), or add a file reference again,
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The ICO icon of your software needs to be replaced. It is better to replace all icons
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Let's understand what "runtime error" is. It is a calculation * operation * program error that displays specific error codes and corresponding explanations in the form of information bar status. There are many reasons why this happens to computers. Runtime error; You can translate it in Baidu. As shown in the figure

Click Start, open the Run window, and enter regedit

Click OK to open the registry editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run, find the [runtime] key, and delete it; As shown in the figure:

This answer is provided for you by Weibo Beauty New Era
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Microsoft Visual C++can

Go to the official website to download and install Microsoft Visual C++Express
It's free
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Dev-c++-- I sent a
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ZOL Q&A > How to set a software to run under integrated display in win7


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