My computer is Win7 Home Edition, I want to install SQL Server, and I want to ask which version can be used

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My computer is Win7 Home Edition, I want to install SQL Server, and I want to ask which version can be used
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It mainly depends on the support for SQL when you use it. Basically, all versions can be installed, but some software may have requirements for version support.
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The sql server 2008 is verified to run stably and smoothly!
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My computer has 2000, 2005, 2008 installed and all are OK.
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Although the 2014 version is advanced, many users now use Win7, which can be upgraded
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For win7, it is recommended to use the 2008 version or 2008R2. If you need to develop big data or BI and other businesses, you can use 2012
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Go to the store to buy??? Genuine and stable
Laughing urine
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The 2008 version is good, both 32-bit and 64 bit. This version is relatively stable.
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Framework 3.5 seems to be a newer version, which should be compatible with all Windows systems

But I think you should pay more attention to the fact that when you download 10.0, you should make sure whether this software is Win7 version..

Win7 32-bit resources are easy to find. 64 bit resources may be a little difficult~
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