If the receiver of the wireless handle is always plugged into the computer, will it be bad for the handle?

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If the receiver of the wireless handle is always plugged into the computer, will it be bad for the handle?
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No, just like when the computer is on, it will have a lifetime.
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Check whether there is a drive
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First of all, the game you play should support the USB controller. General simulation games such as ps, ps2, arcade can use the handle. Some handle computers can recognize directly, plug and play. However, some of them can only be used with a driver. You can directly connect the handle to the USB socket of the host. A thump should sound, indicating that the system has found the device. Then click Start - Control Panel - Game Controller in turn. In the pop-up window, it will be displayed that the handle is connected. Double click it, debug in the setting page, and press to see whether each key can be used. If the game is support feedback (vibration), the handle will vibrate when this option is turned on in the game.
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After the connected device stops operation, the wireless connector will automatically disconnect after a certain time, and will automatically connect after operation, without affecting the handle
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No, but you need to download an xbox one handle driver from the official website, as well as your treasured handle, because it is easy to have problems!
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The handle battery is dead?
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The handle should be inserted later
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Look around and let me tell you that you can go wherever you buy it. Then look at its user manual and search for the answer on the Internet!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > If the receiver of the wireless handle is always plugged into the computer, will it be bad for the handle?


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