How to deal with the laptop card file not saved

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How to deal with the laptop card file not saved
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In this case, if it is Word, the content may be restored. When you open it again, you will be asked to select a backup point of the file, because Word and other office software are automatically saved every other time. If it is a txt file, it will not be saved.
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Copy photos and other things that need to be backed up to non system disks, that is, non-C disks such as disk D and disk E
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Mainly related to system software
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Open folder windows in a separate process to avoid cascading effects
Just as Internet Explorer browser multi process access prevents crashes, we can set the folder window to open in a separate process.

1. Press "Win+E" to open Windows Explorer, and click "Tools - Folder Options". (If the toolbar is not visible, press "Alt" on the keyboard to call it up.)

2. Switch to the "View" tab and check "Open folder window in a separate process".

3. After this setting, the next time the folder is opened, it will not be opened layer by layer in this window, but another window will pop up. In addition, we will see two "explorer. exe" processes in the task manager. Even if a folder window is stuck, the operation of other file windows will not be affected.

Change Folder Properties Unindexing Increase Response Rate
In the Win7 system, when a large file is opened in the resource manager, the system will first scan the file and execute a cycle to check all parts of the file for indexing. If the file is large and there is no index information, the system takes a long time to query the index of the file, and the CPU utilization is also high. Of course, file previews, thumbnails, and so on may also cause slow response. It can be temporarily turned off to speed up reaction.

1. Right click the target folder/drive and select Properties.

2. For a folder, first click the Advanced button on the General tab. In the Advanced Properties, uncheck Allow indexing of file contents in this folder in addition to file properties.

3. For a drive, in the General tab, uncheck "Allow indexing the contents of this drive file in addition to file attributes".

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This has nothing to do with the computer brand, but mainly with the system software.
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If you reboot and open the software again, there will be a virtual memory saved file prompt. You can choose to open it.
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Look at the picture

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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > How to deal with the laptop card file not saved


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