Aisi Assistant Apple Brush Tutorial

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Aisi Assistant Apple Brush Tutorial
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IOS devices can be upgraded through third-party assistant software such as iTunes or Aisi Assistant. The following is an example of upgrading the iPhone system with Aisi Assistant:
The first step is to download and install the "Aisi Assistant" on the computer, connect the iPhone to the computer, and the Aisi Assistant will display the machine information after the connection is successful;
Step 2, click [Firmware Download] on the main interface, and the Aisi Assistant will automatically select the system firmware that can be flashed in and download it according to its own needs;
The third step is to back up your phone book, photos, documents, etc. Once you swipe the phone, it can't be retrieved! Confirm that "Find My iPhone" is turned off, that is, there is no Apple ID lock;
Step 4, click [Aisi Toolbox] - select firmware and select the downloaded system firmware;
Step 5: click "Brush Now", enter DFU mode according to the pop-up instructions, and then wait for the completion of the brush.
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Aisi assistant software

Using Tutorials


1. To download the Aisi Assistant, please download it on the network by yourself.

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ZOL Q&A > Aisi Assistant Apple Brush Tutorial


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