My PSP can't be started. The charging indicator will still be on. But it can't be started. Ask an expert to help me

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My PSP can't be started. The charging indicator will still be on. But it can't be started. Ask an expert to help me
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1. Unplug the electromagnetic and card and try to reinsert them
2. Is there an electromagnetic problem when there is no power? Try changing the block. In many cases, it is an electromagnetic problem rather than a machine problem
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Two indicators indicate that it is not a power problem, it should be a screen problem. It may be that the power cable is broken after a long time of use
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Have you changed bricks? My Peter is also... sad
I went to the Internet to read the tutorial and use the magic brush machine. If I can't or am not sure that I would recommend to go to the video game store and ask someone to help me brush it, it will cost me dozens of dollars
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ZOL Q&A > Pocket game machine > system > Phone power on > My PSP can't be started. The charging indicator will still be on. But it can't be started. Ask an expert to help me

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