Is the content of the same web page different when opened on different computers?

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Is the content of the same web page different when opened on different computers?
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1. There should be a cache. Right click IE - Properties - click Temporary Files to delete files and cookies. Then clean up history at points.

2. Or some settings block ads and pop-up pages of malicious websites, and some do not. You can use 360 Security Guard - NetShield - Internet Protection - to block ad filtering and pop-up pages of malicious websites.
3. Or some computers have flash, and some do not. Flash content cannot be displayed. Download a flash player. Whether the webpage is automatically blocked will be prompted under the tab.
4. Large websites have two interfaces for refreshing and switching, such as Sina and Sohu. If you open them and then refresh them, the content will be different. This is a website design problem.
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The problem with the system can be a 64 bit system. My colleague's is also like this. Just redo the system
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Drag the top of the page window back with the left mouse button
Tools Internet Options Tab Startup Tab Group Check or Uncheck OK
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The different display of the same page of the website on different computers may be caused by the following reasons:
Computer monitor settings (such as resolution and other parameters) are different;
Computer monitors have different sizes;
Different computers use different browsers.
Before the website goes online, it is recommended to conduct browser compatibility test, as well as web page display test for displays of different sizes.
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Method 1: Delete the Desktop.ini file
1. Start Windows Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
3. In the Advanced Settings box, click to clear the Hide extensions of known file types check box and the Hide protected operating system files check box (if not already cleared), and then click OK.
4. Delete all Desktop.ini files that contain the text lines described in the "Symptoms" section above. To do this, follow the steps below: a. Find each of the following folders, right-click the "Desktop. ini" file (if it exists in this folder), and then click "Open": • drive: Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu Programs Startup
• drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
• drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
Where drive is the drive where Windows is installed.
b. Check whether the file contains the following lines: [. ShellClassInfo] LocalizedResourceName=@% SystemRoot% system32 shell32.dll, - 21787
If the file contains these lines, right-click the file, click Delete, and then click Yes when prompted to confirm the deletion.

5. Restart the computer and check whether the problem has been solved.

Method 2: Use the system configuration utility (Msconfig. exe) to disable the startup project
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.
3. Click the Startup tab.
4. Click to clear the check boxes next to all "Desktop" items listed as "Common Startup" items in the corresponding "Location" column in the "Startup Item" column. These items are also located in all the following locations (as shown in the "Command" column): • Drive: Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu Programs Startup
• Drive: Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu Programs
• Drive: Documents and Settings All Users Start Menu

5. Click OK to exit the System Configuration Utility.
6. Restart the computer and check whether the problem has been solved.
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Update the flash version
Then change a browser or browser mode and try it
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I have come up with a solution: use 360 security guards to clean up your online records and temporary system files~or delete all files in C: Documents and Settings Administrator Local Settings Temp and log in again~Administrator is your system login user name~
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Is the content of the same web page different when opened on different computers?


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