The Apple computer wireless network is connected, and there is also a network that can access the Internet, but there is a small exclamation point. What's wrong

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The Apple computer wireless network is connected, and there is also a network that can access the Internet, but there is a small exclamation point. What's wrong
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There is an exclamation mark indicating that it is not connected to the WAN. This means that you may have connected your LAN (your router here). But your router may not be connected to the cat at home or the network provided by the operator
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First, the school's network is not good. Second, the school's wifi is encrypted
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This IP conflict is not caused by dialing, but by your router itself. Because of the IP conflict, you can't access the Internet according to the first come first served principle. It is estimated that you have set your IP to

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You didn't specify the use environment. If there is an exclamation mark, it should be that the correct IP address has not been obtained. You can check it according to your use environment.
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First set the fixed IP address, enter the route, and then select DHCP Server DHCP Service from the table side menu bar. Select Enable DHCP Server in the middle, and then save
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Reset the IP address of your computer to a larger size, such as or The gateway is the router management port address, and DNS is the local operator DNS, or the same as the gateway.
If you do not know the network segment, it is set to automatically obtain, and DNS is also automatically obtained.
If still
Disable local connection and then enable it
Uninstall the network card driver and then install the official driver.
Make sure that the network cable and interface are normal. You can try to replace the network cable.
Confirm that the WAN port of the router is configured in PPPOE mode, and fill in the correct Internet account and password.
Confirm that the LAN port of the router is configured as the default configuration.
Confirm that the DHCP function is turned on.
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It is an IP conflict. You can modify the IP address in the network settings. If the router has an automatic IP address assignment, you can set a dynamic IP address assignment. Another situation is that your router binds your IP address to the MAC address of the device. You can either modify your computer's MAC address or reset the router.
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Open the DHCP server in the router and select Enable; If the solution of wifi cannot be found, select Wireless Settings - Basic Settings - Enable SSID Broadcast.
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ZOL Q&A > radio > other > The Apple computer wireless network is connected, and there is also a network that can access the Internet, but there is a small exclamation point. What's wrong

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