The computer earphone is plugged into the front end interface. Every time you turn on the computer, you have to plug and unplug it again to get sound. How can I set it without repeatedly plugging and unplugging?

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The computer earphone is plugged into the front end interface. Every time you turn on the computer, you have to plug and unplug it again to get sound. How can I set it without repeatedly plugging and unplugging?
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In the sound card driver settings, turn off the front panel interface detection
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Click Start, Control Panel, Double click Realktek HD Audio Configuration, select Audio I/O, select it, and then plug your headset into it as prompted.
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I don't know what brand of sound card you are using. Generally, there will be a speaker symbol in the lower right corner (not the one that adjusts the volume). Double click the speaker. Under the setting here, you can turn off the front panel interface detection, and there will be no difference of twice every time
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ZOL Q&A > headset > system > Phone power on > The computer earphone is plugged into the front end interface. Every time you turn on the computer, you have to plug and unplug it again to get sound. How can I set it without repeatedly plugging and unplugging?

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