Why does my computer always jam when I open the folder?

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Why does my computer always jam when I open the folder?
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There are many reasons for such problems. It is recommended that you check them one by one.
1. First of all, maybe I don't understand what you mean, but you should not put too many files on the desktop, which will definitely be stuck (the correct practice is that there should be no folders, only shortcuts, and a small number of folders will also affect the speed);
2. Opening the file and changing the card may also be caused by the poor heat dissipation of your computer due to the higher room temperature in summer;
3. It may be caused by the damage of the hard disk. It is recommended that you use a USB flash disk to start PE to detect the hard disk;
4. There may be a problem with your system. The specific reason is hard to say. It is recommended that you reinstall it;
5. As for the absence of viruses you said, I don't know how you can check and kill them, but such causes cannot be ruled out if there is a jam. You can open the task manager to see if there is a process that takes up a lot of CPU resources. Many viruses with flowery shells cannot be checked and killed by anti-virus software.
I hope it will be helpful to you and I hope you can accept it!
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If you don't want to reinstall the system, try my method!
1. Create a new user abc, add the abc user to the administrator, and then restart the computer to log in with the abc account!
2. Enter c: Documents and Settings, change the folder with the corresponding name of the user you originally logged in to the computer, and change the file name, usually the administrator folder, if not specially modified! After modification, exit and log in to the computer with the original account!
3. Whether everything is normal under the new user. If everything is normal under the new user, the original account login after the file name is modified will also be normal!
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When the hard disk cannot be found after restarting, it is called disk loss.
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Use the guard software to clear it in the disk
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Next wps, any text can be opened... Hope to adopt
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You must find the drive letter where you installed it before and delete the root directory of the original file as well as the registration file of the registry (some files must be uninstalled completely). Then restart the machine and try again! If it doesn't work anymore, Baidu/Google will not change the installation program, or change the system...... Where is my old deskmate getting rich recently?
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Try to kill virus first. If you can't do it, reinstall the system with Laomao Peach. This reinstallation is a simple operation. Don't worry about it.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why does my computer always jam when I open the folder?


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