I right click a file, but there is no security item in the file attribute. Do you want to add it?

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I right click a file, but there is no security item in the file attribute. Do you want to add it?
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1. Start ->Programs ->Explorer ->Tools menu ->Folder options ->View ->Advanced settings
2. Remove the check before "Use simple file sharing (recommended)"
3. Confirm and exit.
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Try setting the folder opening option. Click to restore the default values of the three tabs
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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Directory Background shellex ContextMenuHandlers New] @={D969A300-E7FF-11d0-A93B-00A0C90F2719} Copy these codes to Notepad, save the file name as a.reg, run it, accept it if you are satisfied
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Not all folder icons can be changed,

Like the newly created folder can be changed, if it is the icon of the software itself, it seems that it cannot!
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Click to create a new notepad file in the Start menu and copy the following content: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT . Txt] @=txtfileContent Type=text/plain [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT . Txt ShellNew] NullFile=[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT txtfile] @=Text Document [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT txtfile shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT txtfile shell open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT txtfile shell open] xtfile shell open command] @=NOTEPAD. EXE% 1 is then saved as text.reg (text is just a file name, you can name it as you like, as long as the suffix is reg), and then double-click the file to import the registry information. Why can't I create folders on my computer desktop? Right click and there is no "New" item
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Is it the ordinary version of win 7 family?
If yes..
It's normal..
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ZOL Q&A > I right click a file, but there is no security item in the file attribute. Do you want to add it?


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