Can I take a laptop with me when I fly? Including power cord, cooling base, etc

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Can I take a laptop with me when I fly? Including power cord, cooling base, etc
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Yes, no tax, but you are not allowed to use it for 15 minutes during takeoff and landing. If you use it halfway, you should turn off the wireless network card
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Yes, but it seems to be taxable
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Buy it online. You can't buy it without thinking.
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It can be just that you will be asked to take it out for separate inspection during the security check
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The place where you repair computers, or where you buy computers, or online
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Generally, there are three USB interfaces. You can change them on your laptop and try to use them. It's really impossible to install a driver
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > Can I take a laptop with me when I fly? Including power cord, cooling base, etc

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