The computer turns on black screen, no alarm, the keyboard light is not on, the CD-ROM drive is OK, the motherboard indicator light is on

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The computer turns on black screen, no alarm, the keyboard light is not on, the CD-ROM drive is OK, the motherboard indicator light is on
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1. The system time cannot be displayed and saved correctly,
It is caused by low battery on the motherboard,
It can be solved by replacing a new motherboard battery
This kind of fault
2. Check whether the main board capacitor bulges or leaks,
If any, you need to go to the place where the computer is professionally repaired
Replace the main board capacitor
3. Unplug the memory module and wipe the golden finger with an eraser
Then insert it back into the memory slot
4. Re plug all hardware and connecting cables to
Then avoid the phenomenon of false connection
5. Start once when the chassis is opened,
Check whether the fan operates normally. If not
Replace it
6. Check whether the chassis power supply is insufficient, such as
If you have a replacement power supply at hand, try replacing it
7. If there is a hard disk failure that may cause bad track, enter
Run the BIOS to see if you can identify the hard disk
(xyz5819 original reply, welcome to copy)
8. There is no signal on the display, focus on the display part
Connection condition of the sub, the display is black or blurred
It may be the graphics card or the display itself
9. See the small horn (buzzer) in the chassis
Alarm sound combined with your specific BIOS preliminary
Judgment, so as to narrow the scope of the problem
10. That's all I can think of for the time being
For other parts, the substitution method or minimum addition method is used
The carrier method should also be checked step by step
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Fan problem, the chassis temperature is too high
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Re insert the memory module. If it is two, take down one. Is the video card connected properly? Is the video card interface connected to the monitor? Then check whether the display has signal output, which is basically the possibility
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Is there a beep when you turn on the machine
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Phone power on > The computer turns on black screen, no alarm, the keyboard light is not on, the CD-ROM drive is OK, the motherboard indicator light is on


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