When playing the video, the display will blank first. Why?

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When playing the video, the display will blank first. Why?
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Every time I use the player to play a movie, I have tried both Storm AV and other players, including PPS network TV. At the beginning of the play, the display goes black for about 2 seconds, and then View All

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This is the video card is broken or abnormal I have encountered the same problem! Later, it became normal after changing. Go and try!
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Try reinstalling the graphics card driver on the official website of the notebook manufacturer. Also, lower the resolution can effectively alleviate the overload of the graphics card
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It has nothing to do with the graphics card, display or driver, nor with the player. It is a common problem of HDMI that when playing 1080P HD, it will black out. It is OK to use VGA or DVI.
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The format is not supported.. It is also possible that the file is too large.
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There is a problem with the graphics card driver. Just uninstall and install it again.
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ZOL Q&A > Liquid crystal display > screen > Mobile phone black screen > When playing the video, the display will blank first. Why?


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