Right click on my computer desktop, and there is no "New" menu. How to deal with it?

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Right click on my computer desktop, and there is no "New" menu. How to deal with it?
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You can perform the following operations to restore:

1. Click "Start" menu, "Notepad", or "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Notepad"

2. Enter the following code in Notepad. (Supporters can try if they can)

  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


3. Then click the close icon of "X" in the upper right corner, select "Save" in the pop-up window about whether to save, and then select the save location (I select the desktop here), fill in "Right click no new solution. reg" for the file name, select "All files" for the file type, and click "Save".

4. At this time, there is the reg registry file just created on the desktop. Double click it, and a warning prompt will appear. Click Yes to allow importing.

5. If a security guard like 360 is installed on the computer, the following prompt will appear. Select "Allow operation", and then a window that has been successfully added will pop up. Click OK.

6. Right click to find the "New" menu
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It should be the same
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Restart it
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Rabbit --- Create Your Own System --- Network --- IE Menu
You can see the right-click menu here. You can delete whichever you want!!!!!!
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"Start → Run" Enter the following command to solve the problem. Regsvr32/s sendmail.dll Enter regsvr32/s ole32.dll Enter regsvr32/s/i shell32.dll Enter!
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1、 Add menu item
----1. First, decide the file type you want to add to the menu and the application program to start such files. If it is a new file that will open automatically at startup or an application that allows you to use it immediately, such as Notepad, Wordpad, or Paint, no special preparation is required. However, if it is an application that does not automatically open files at startup, you must create a general file template as required and save it in the ShellNew folder in Windows. This folder is hidden in some systems, so you may have to first select View * Folder Options, select the Show All Files option in the View tab, and click OK.
----2. Select Start * Run and enter regedit to open the registry editor. Click the "+" next to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", and you can see that there is a row of folders in the left window, all named after the suffix of files created by applications in Windows (such as. doc,. xls, and. html). Find out the suffix of the file type you want to add to the New menu, right-click, select New * Primary Key (each folder is a primary key in the registry), and name the new primary key ShellNew. Select the new primary key, right click the blank space in the right window, and select Add * String Value. If you use a file type whose program is preset to open a blank file at startup, set the new string name to "NullFile"; If you are using a file type whose program will not automatically open a blank file at startup, set the new string name to "FileName". Double click the "FileName" string icon (or press Enter after selecting it), and enter the full path and name of the file type template in the "Key Value" text box of the "Edit String" dialog box. Then press OK to exit the Registry Editor. You can immediately see your changes in the file list in the New menu.

----The following is an example to create a new Outlook Express message by right clicking on the desktop or in a folder. Start Outlook Express, select "File" * "New" * "Mail", add the text to be placed in the mail, then select "File" * "Save As", save the mail as "blank" in the Windows ShellNew folder, and Outlook Express will automatically add the. eml extension to the mail. Next, start the registry editor according to the previous instructions, find the folder of. eml in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, establish the "ShellNew" primary key, create a new string value in this primary key, and set its name to "FileName". Double click the "FileName" string, and enter "C: Windows ShellNew blank. eml" in the "Key Value" text box of the "Edit String" dialog box (you can set the path and name by yourself). Press the "OK" button to exit the registry editor. At this time, you can press the right mouse button on the desktop and select "New" * "Outlook Express Mail Message" (as shown in the figure). A new mail icon will appear on the desktop. Enter the name of the new mail file and press Enter. Double click the icon of the new email, enter the content of the email, and then press the "Send" button. This method can be used to create an e-mail message and save a copy of the message outside of Outlook Express (or other similar mail program).
2、 Delete Menu Item
----There are many ways to delete the list of file types in the New menu. Here are three ways.
----1. Delete the file type of the program you do not use. It is better to uninstall the entire application. You can use the Add/Remove Programs function in the Control Panel. This operation will also delete the corresponding item in the file list of the New menu.
----2. If the menu option of this file type still exists after you uninstall the software by yourself, please enter the Explorer and select View * Folder Options, click the File Type tab, select the file type you no longer use, and click Delete to confirm the deletion. This will remove the file type from the context file menu, the registry, and the New menu.
----3. If you need to keep the application related to the file type and just want to delete the icon in the "New" menu, please open the registry editor as described above. Click the "+" sign before "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" to find the folder containing the extension of the file type you want to delete, and click the "+" sign next to it. In the tree on the left, select the "ShellNew" folder under the correct extension. At this time, you can make a backup of this registry branch so that you can restore the original settings (select "Registry" * "Export Registry File", specify the file name and save location, "Selected Branch" must be selected in the "Export Range" item, and then click "Save"). Select "NullFile" or "FileName" in the right window, press the Delete key, and then press the Enter key. If you want to restore this item to the menu, find the exported. reg file and double-click it to restore it to the registry.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Right click on my computer desktop, and there is no "New" menu. How to deal with it?


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