Calculation of apparent power and reactive power of 500KVA transformer

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Calculation of apparent power and reactive power of 500KVA transformer
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Apparent power of 500KVA transformer: S=1.732UI = 500000VA
U is line voltage, I is line current
Reactive power of 500KVA transformer: Q=Ssin Φ=30000 (Var)
Specific calculation process:
Reactive power: Q=Ssin Φ
Active power: P=Scors Φ
Power factor: cos Φ=P/S
If the power factor cos Φ = 0.8
Then sin Φ=0.6
Apparent power of 500KVA transformer: S=1.732UI = 500000VA
Reactive power of 500KVA transformer: Q=Ssin Φ = 500000 * 0.6 = 300000 (Var)
Active power of 500KVA transformer: Q=Scors Φ = 500000 * 0.8 = 400000 (W)
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500kva is the apparent power. Reactive power and active power shall be calculated according to their power factors. For example, the power factor is 0.9. Then the active power is 500 * 0.9=450kw. Reactive power is 500 ^ 2-450 ^ 2, and then the root number is 217.9kvar
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Power factor=P ²/P ²+Q ² square root
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Apparent power is S, active power is P, reactive power is Q, voltage U, current I phase angle difference is a
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Generally, total power - active power
For example, if a box is raised 3 meters by a motor, where the total power is the electrical energy consumed by the motor and the active power is the height of the box, the reactive power can be calculated by subtracting the two.
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Active power is also called average power. The instantaneous power of AC power is not a constant value. The average value of power in a cycle is called active power. It refers to the power consumed by the resistance part of the circuit. For the motor, it refers to its output, which is represented by the letter P, and the unit is kW. Reactive power: In a circuit with inductance (or capacitance), the inductance (or capacitance) stores the energy of the power supply into the energy of the magnetic field (or electric field) in half cycle time, and then sends the stored magnetic field (or electric field) energy back to the power supply in the other half cycle time. They only exchange energy with the power supply and do not really consume energy. We call the amplitude value of the energy exchanged with the power supply reactive power, which is expressed by the letter Q, in dry var (kvar). Apparent power: In a circuit with resistance and reactance, the product of voltage and current is called apparent power, which is represented by the letter S or the symbol Ps, and the unit is kilovolt ampere (kVA).

Hope to help you.
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——★ 1. The reactive power has an electrical angle of 90 degrees with the phase of the active power, [the relationship between the apparent power and the reactive power is a right triangle, which is called the power triangle in the industry].

——★ 2. Calculation method: square of reactive power=square of apparent power - square of active power.
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ZOL Q&A > Engraving machine > other > Calculation of apparent power and reactive power of 500KVA transformer

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