Shenzhou z7m notebook black screen problem

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Shenzhou z7m notebook black screen problem
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Shenzhou z7m notebook black screen problem [picture] View All

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I think it's also a screen problem, otherwise the external display can't be good. Anyway, it's cheap to change the screen now, just a few hundred yuan.
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75 You won't get stuck.. I lock it for 60 years
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All aspects of the configuration, Shenzhou's are perfect HP's.
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There is no problem with the hardware configuration. You can try lowering the LOL display setting. In addition, because there is only one hard disk, there should not be too many things in it, which will be slow. It is recommended to expand the virtual memory. In addition, it is recommended that the current 24 inch screen is the best display, so you can change the screen instead of wasting your configuration. The screen is too small and the resolution cannot be adjusted to the maximum.
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The same is true of the Shenzhou bought by a classmate. Sometimes the screen goes black, but the computer runs normally. He bought a new screen from a treasure and replaced it. At present, he has never heard of the black screen again
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HP is better
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Restart to see if there is any key like ESC F11 that can be set at the moment when the logo is displayed
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No packaging and instructions are required. The warranty of this book is based on the product serial number on the body. You can take this book to China for after-sales service
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > screen > Mobile phone black screen > Shenzhou z7m notebook black screen problem


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